Spongebob lost episude: shit happens 9

spongebob and friends stay at squidwards house for the night even though spongebobs house is 12 feet away but whatever. the alarm clock rings and spongebob wakes up like a idiot. garry starts fucking mrs garry so spongebob kicks mrs garry down the stairs and mrs garry hits squidward. squidward comes up there with a shot gun but when he tried shooting spongebob the gun was facing the other way so he shot himself accidently. spongebob yelled HURRAY! princess toaster broke through the window drunk.
spongebob: your alive!
mrs toaster: yeah thanks for leaving me ran over you asshole!
spongebob: well fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then debull from yoshi's island ds barges in and smashes princess toasters pet toaster. mrs toaster cries having a seizure. spongebob gets naked and dances because he's happy, debull then stabs spongebobs dick with a machette. spongebob squeels like a pig. debull then goes to pink shy girl (his crush) and tells her how much spongebob has a tiny dick. spongebob barges in with wario drunk. the pink shy girl steps away, and debull fucks her dog then eats it. pink shy girl cries so she hits debull with a baseball bat. debull gets dizzy eyes so he kicked pink shy girl out the window. spongebob gets angry.
spongebob: NOBODY MESS'S WITH MY SEXY BABE!!!!!!!!
bonzi buddy comes back as zombie but turtle squidward kills him with chainsaw. debull kills turtle squidward.
turtle squidward: OH COME ON! I JUST GOT INTRODUCED! oh well *dies*
debull chases spongebob out of house. pink shy girl stays with mr krabs, mr krabs thinks he's getting laid but he doesn't. debull now took over pink shy girls house by shitting all over it. debull then watches howtobasic on the TV. spongebob goes to the krusty krab the next day, mr krabs beats the shit out of spongebob with a oversized dildo then stuffs spongebob in a soda machine then throws the soda machine at patricks house. debull then goes out side where he sees bully from super mario 64.
debull: so we meet again
bully: yeah... hadn't seen you in a while
debull: alright i don't care fuck off!
they then has epic showdown even though nobody was there. spongebob gets chased by gordon freeman. gordon freeman then blows up the krusty krab, princess toasters having sex with a goat on spongebobs house. skodwarde is pooping spongebobs bed.
spongebob: how many squidwards are there?!
spongebob barfs on skodwarde and throws him out the window. then poopward comes out of the closet and dies. spongebob slept like ass the night before so he goes to bed, but a spongewhore was in bed too. spongewhore is a ugly girl verzion of spongebob. spongewhore beats up spongebob then howtobasic breaks in and throws eggs at both of them. howtobasic then kills princess toaster with a giant egg and runs away on a egg horse. spongebob runs out of the house by spongewhore. spongebob goes back to work where blue shy girl was taking place as spongebob. then sagg beated up spongebob and chewed on him. sagg is SUPER AWESOME GANGSTA GOAT.
blue shy girl tells spongebob to go home and do whatevs by pushing him out. spongebob smashes plankton then goes to boating school where debull is eating a car. green shy girl was the subsitute.
green shy girl: are you gonna F this ride or get a fucking A, you need to try yo best because i know your a winner!
spongebob runs over debull but debull flips over the car, debull is not injered.
green shy girl: you fail... i'm dissapointed *leaves car and goes naked swiming in pool next door*
spongebob goes home drinking cofee. spongewhore is shooting angry terrorist that try invading the bikini bottom. spongebob calls smosh to cheer him up. smosh farts out flowers but spongebobs still sad. skodwardes in his house with suicide squidward playing monopoly. spongebob tries feeling better by robbing there house with red shy girl. they suceed and get there soup and they stole there hamster. they try making the hamster fly by pulling helicopter stuff on the hamster but wario ate the hamster. R.I.P hamster.
spongebob goes back to work grumpy. sagg kicks spongebobs face and spongebob flies out of the krusty krab landing in food lion. spongebob decides to go shopping but gets hit by a egg.
to be continued